
The American leftwing has joined with the neocons, the presstitute media, and the military/security complex in a common agreement that anyone who favors better relations with Russia is a Russian agent or a dupe of Vladimir Putin.

And if you know enough to doubt the Warren Commission and 9/11 Commission reports, you are a conspiracy kook and are put on Harvard’s list of purveyors of “fake news.”

Everyone who does not agree with the Establishment’s line is “fake news.” And this is in a “democracy with free speech.”

What a joke America has become!

In other words, the “left” has accepted the neoconservative line that those who advocate peace with Russia, other than on US imposed terms, are traitors to America, including the President of the United States.

Harvard University now has a PropOrNot type of list of suspect websites. All who favor normal relations with Russia are on the list.

We have reached the point that even for Harvard University,no dissent from hating Russia is possible.

This leaves war as the only option.

Are you ready to die for the military/security complex’s enormous budget ?

That is all you will be dying for.

